Friday, June 20, 2008

Master Cleanse

I think my system is a bit out of wack - and someone reccommended that I try the Master Cleanse for 10 days - I just bought the book yesterday and I read up on it last night. I think I might be interested in trying it!?! I wanna try it because it is suppose to help with your overall health because it detox's your body, but the girl I know who did it said it helped with her allergies.

Basically its the 'lemonade diet' - and you can't have any solid food for 10 days

you drink a concoction of
2 Tlbs of freshly squeezed lemon juice
2 Tbls of grade b maple syrup
1/10 of a tsp of cayenne pepper
8ozs of water

you have to drink 6-12 batches of this a day on top of drinking a slight salt water and some tea - thats it - nothing more nothing less... but 10 days seems kinda long but I think its worth giving it a shot. I read some reviews on and they were mainly positive. HERE is the book I got {I am not doing this to lose weight because I figure once I go back on solid food it will just come right back - I just think it could be beneficial to my health}

I might start it next week sometime?
I am also considering blogging about it everyday because I will need something to distract me from the fact that I won't be chewing on any food!

1 comment:

Ashley said...

do it
do it
do it
do it
do it
do it
do it
do it
do it
do it

enough do it's for 10 days.
