Monday, June 2, 2008

my poor neglected blog

but fret not because since Cinco de Mayo a LOT has happened!
I was in London for 5 days and then from there I left and headed to Paris for 6. I will give some detail about the trip through some pictures once I get them uploaded. I love London - but geeze Paris is AH-MAZING! I wanna hit up Paris again and STAT!

After we got back that following wednesday I went with some peeps to Pinstripes in the Park. Basically they show a Yankees away game once a season in Bryant Park on a huge screen television so that you can bring out your blankets and sit under the stars and root on your Yanks! It was brilliant - and I was much more appreciative being in NY after having spent time overseas. I even took time to notice the tourist atop the Empire State building {you could see little flashes going off - adorable}

As of saturday evening my turntable is officially in use! I can sit on my bed and listen to little gems in my vinyl collection. I ended up having to get a cheapish home theater system in order for my turntable to connect to my amp to connect to the home theater system. I didn't know much about audio systems - and I still don't really, but I know a little more. I just thought I could plug my turntable into my tv and the speaker on that would work HA!
Then after I finally got my turntable up and running I decided that I needed to get some more records so I spent the day out in the city at flea markets looking to add to my collection -- and ADD I did! {this is a pic of a random record collection}
I bought
- Fleetwood Mac
- James Taylor
- Bruce Springstein
- the best of Patsy Cline
- Michael Jackson
- George Michael
- the best of Captain and Tenniell
- Van Halen
- Bryan Adams
and I think 2 others actually but they have slipped my mind temporarily {not that I love them any less - I am just having a brain}

Upcoming THINGS!

-Heathers birthday and the big celebration is going to be on Saturday at the beer garden in Queens - I might be consuming a hefty amount of Hefeweizen

1 comment:

Ashley said...

i love it! good recap, now we need some decent pics from the actual trip!