Sunday, July 13, 2008


Well its day two and I am still on the master cleanse - I have to say that last night I felt like I had the flu. But I pressed on and fell asleep and all was well when I woke up. And because I am a little obsessed I got on the scale and I weighed 4 pounds less than when I started all this on Friday evening. Granted I think the moment that I drank my next batch of lemonade I gained it all back but 1 lbs.

And I had to run to the grocery to pick up some more maple syrup and I was kinda impressed by myself that I didn't feel like caving and just picking up a roasted chicken or something. I walked in and smelled all the deliciousness that the little grocery had to offer and I just kept my feet a'walkin

now tomorrow might be another story


1 comment:

Ashley said...

you can do it, you can do it! woot!