Monday, September 22, 2008

last night

So last night I was packing up more and more boxes when all of the sudden the movie PRACTICAL MAGIC came on, I was shocked to learn that it came out sooo long ago in 1998. I loved that movie - I loved that soundtrack, when I was watching it, to me, it didn't seem dated so I suppose thats good. Consequently, I became engaged in the movie and I couldn't pull myself away. Later my roommate comes in to find me watching the movie and asks why I'm not watching the Emmy's {CRAP} well thats because I totally forgot about the Emmy's. Well I was already in too deep so I finished out the movie and switched over to the Emmy's right in time for Tina Fey to win all the good ones. Again I will state that Tina Fey is flawless - she is comic perfection... her line after winning one of the awards thanking her parents of "somehow raising me to have confidence which is disproportionate with my looks and abilities. Well done! That is what all parents should do." {I totally concur - now is as good of time as ever - Thanks Mom and Dad!}

And the bit she did with Amy Poehler - welcoming all the nations watching the Emmy's and Amy saying hello to all the parrots - tee hee fantastic. Steven Colbert and Jon Stewart - always funny but besides that I thought that the Emmy's were boring {as usual - I'm glad with my decision to continue watching Practical Magic}

Any gowns you liked? I like Kate Walsh's gown other than the flower in the middle, I liked Mariska Hargitay's yellow gown, and Kyra Sedgwick's little shorter number.

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