Monday, September 22, 2008

ode to Gussie Lou

So my parents got a dog - well I guess its been a couple of years now - they got a maltese poodle mix. The breeders showed J and T {my 'rents} the doggie parents of the puppies and they were somewhat reassured that the puppy they chose would be small or at least small-ish. Well low and behold they took home what they considered to be the cutest of the litter and gave her the name Gussie Lou. Well Gussie Lou turned out to be not so small and a bit of a handful. I think she ended up with more poodle than maltese because the last dog they had was all maltese and she was not nearly as wild and crazy as dear Gussie Lou.
She has chewed up some expensive rugs and done various other naughty things and my parents have, at times, been so fed up with her they considered finding her a new home.

Alright alright, I'll wrap it up, but the reason I brought this up was because I got a card in the mail from my mom last week
On the front it has a dog that looks fairly similar to Gussie Lou and the dog is wearing blue sunglasses and a red bandana - the card reads as so...

"Dear Meleia,
Gussie Lou is eagerly awaiting your return home! She wears her sunglasses, sits in the VW Bug, just waiting- just anticipating the many places you will take her! Gussie Lou loves you!"

My mom is funny and clever and she makes me laugh - but darned if she isn't trying to pawn her dog off on me. ha

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